
Health insurance

Everyone in Germany must have health insurance. You can register with a health insurance of your choice. You will find health insurances in Mühlacker here: https://www.gelbeseiten.de/krankenkassen/muehlacker

If your wife / husband already has health insurance, you can insure the entire family with the same health insurance free-of-charge.

After registering with the health insurance, you will receive a social insurance number/pension number. You need to keep these in a safe place. If you do not have any health insurance, you will need to pay for the medical treatment.

Visiting the doctor

If you become ill, first go to a local general practitioner.

If you need to see a specialist, the local GP will refer you.

What should I bring with me?

Only contact the number in emergencies and at the weekend:

Ärztlicher Notfalldienst e.V. (in the Mühlacker hospital)

Hermann-Hesse-Straße 34
75417 Mühlacker
116 117 

What should I bring with me?

Health insurance card


If the doctor prescribes youmedicines or remedies, you can take the prescription to the pharmacy where the pharmacist will give you the prescribed medicines or remedies.

But even without visiting a doctor, you can go to the pharmacy and buy over-the-counter medicines and remedies without a prescription. Pharmacists are well trained and can advise you about prescription-free medication.

Pharmacies close by
Pharmacy emergency service outside the regular opening hours
What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?
Pharmacies close by
Pharmacy emergency service outside the regular opening hours
What should I bring with me?

Prescription issued by the doctor

What will I receive?

Medication, natural remedies

Pregnancy and birth

If you are pregnant, you should inform your employer as early as possible about your pregnancy, this is the only way that maternity leave (time that mothers do not have to work) can be implemented.

In the 34th week of your pregnancy you need to hand in a certificate confirming the expected date of birth and a current pay slip to your health insurance. This information is used to calculate the maternity pay during the maternity leave. If you need help, support or somebody to accompany you, you can receive free and confidential support from family midwives, paediatric nurses and family support specialists until your child is 3 years of age. In this case, just call the "Frühen Hilfen" or contact them online using the contact form https://www.caritasverband-pforzheim.de/n2936213/i3566952.html

Caritasverband e.V. Pforzheim - Early assistance
Caritasverband e.V. Pforzheim - Early assistance

Care - Old age - Handicap

There are support and care centres for seniors that offer day-to-day assistance and help. For more information, please go to: https://www.muehlacker.de/stadt/gesundheit-soziales/soziales/

Senior Centre St. Franziskus
DRK Seniorenzentrum
Diakonische Bezirksstelle Mühlacker
Senior Centre St. Franziskus

Erlenbachstraße 15
75417 Mühlacker
07041 95340 

DRK Seniorenzentrum

Goethestr. 12/4
75417 Mühlacker
07041 819-404 

Diakonische Bezirksstelle Mühlacker

Hindenburgstr. 48
75417 Mühlacker
07041 811839-0 

Senior Clubs

75417 Mühlacker
Bahnhofstraße 86
07041 89745022 

Senior Clubs

Town Hall Mühlacker
Amt für Kultur und Bildung
Kelterplatz 7
75417 Mühlacker
07041 876-246

Lebenshilfe Vaihingen-Mühlacker e.V.
Lebenshilfe Vaihingen-Mühlacker e.V.

Mühlackerstraße 141
75417 Mühlacker
07041 9542-0