
Child allowance

All parents who live permanently with their children are entitled to child allowance. The money is transferred to the parent’s bank account every month.

You need to apply for child allowance - otherwise you will not receive it.

Familienkasse Nagold
Opening hours
What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?
Familienkasse Nagold

Bahnhofstr. 37
72202 Nagold
0800 4555530 (free of charge)
Can also be requested online:

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Thr: 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr

What should I bring with me?
  • Passport or ID
  • Birth certificate of the child (copy)
  • For schoolchildren: Certificate of the school
  • For children in apprenticeship programs: Copy of the apprenticeship contract
  • Your tax identification number and that of your child
  • Child allowance number (BIC/IBAN)

What will I receive?

Child allowance

Parental allowance

In addition to child allowance, mothers and fathers can also receive parental allowance for 14 months after the birth of the child. An application for this needs to be submitted to the L-Bank Baden-Württemberg: https://www.l-bank.de/lbank/inhalt/nav/foerderungen-und-finanzierungen/alle- foerderangebote/fa-familienfoerderung/elterngeld-sie-moechten-einen-antrag-auf-elterngeld- stellen/antrag-auf-elterngeld.xml?ceid=128768#

Education and participation

The participation package is designed for low-income families and enables their children to participate in social activities and cultural events.

Thanks to financial discounts and reimbursements, the children can pay to visit cultural events, or profit from discounted tickets and paid club fees. Ask the employee whether you are entitled to participation funds for your child.

Town hall Mühlacker | Pension and social affairs
Opening hours
What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?
Town hall Mühlacker | Pension and social affairs

Kelterplatz 7
75417 Mühlacker
07041 876-146, -147

Opening hours

Mo – Fri: 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Thr: 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Fri: 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr

What should I bring with me?

Passport or ID

  • You will be asked for any missing documents at the appointment
What will I receive?

The application is accepted and is forwarded to the Landratsamt. A decision will be sent to you by post.


In Mühlacker, there are childcare facilities for children up to when they go to school. For instance, this includes childcare, the multi-generation house, infant care, kindergartens and all-day kindergartens.

To ensure that your child is exposed to the German language as soon as possible, you can arrange for your child to attend one of the childcare facilities of your choice.

Varying monthly fees are charged depending on the childcare facility that your child attends.

By 1st March (!) at the latest, children must be registered on the waiting list for the upcoming kindergarten year via an online waiting list system on the website of the town of Mühlacker.

Town Hall Mühlacker | Office for Education and Culture
Opening hours
What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?
Town Hall Mühlacker | Office for Education and Culture

Kelterplatz 7
75417 Mühlacker
07041 876-311

Waiting list online: :

Opening hours

Tue: 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Thr: 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr

What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?

Confirmation of your place on the waiting list and more information at a later date

School registration

In Germany, every child that reaches the age of 6 must go to school.

The child first attends the junior school for four years. On completion of the junior school, all children must attend a secondary school.

You need to do the registration at the respective school.
The child must also be present when it is registered.

School registration
What should I bring with me?
What will I receive?
School registration
What should I bring with me?
  • Passport or ID
  • Birth certificate of the child
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Child
What will I receive?

Date for when your child starts school